projects in process

My friend Minnette announced she has three new books being released this year, an urban fantasy thriller, a historical romance, and a paranormal romantic comedy. Past publications include books in the above markets and a 2 book epic sci-fi fantasy, that has been highly acclaimed, and she’s published a charming middle grade read-along.  I’ve read all Minnette’s books and even got a sneak peek at those to be released. She’s got a bold style and a distinct voice and that works in all her genres.

Surprisingly, Minnette has yet to be “discovered” and is still not making-a-living as an author.  Fortunately I know this is the type of scenario that can change quickly in this new age of exposure.

I recently heard the definition of being professional was “making-a-living-at-it”. Yet there are many professional writers, artists, musicians, dancers, actors, inventors, and craftsmen, who are not making a living from their craft or art and continue to persevere. I could begin a whole rant about that making-a-living mentality as being life draining, and spirit crushing, and equal to a brutal dictator.

What we term as ignorance or success is our personal judgment. The latest Charlie Sheen news is a good example. Donald Trump stated Charlie could come back to his career as a professional actor, and get more money because he’s high ratings. Yet in my opinion, comparing the two, my friend Minnette is a more stellar professional than Charlie can ever become.

In my professional life as a writer, I am currently involved in four projects. One is fiction, a novel in need of a lot of my focus and dedication for it to be worth reading by an audience. (I feel it is worth the effort.) The other three projects are nonfiction but even more diverse than Minnette’s cross-genre books. One is a marketing how-to for authors, the other is a potential TV docudrama, and the third is my memoir due back from my editor.

This means I need to prioritize my attention. Some may say to choose the project that has the greatest potential for me to make-a-living. Others would say – follow my passion. And others would say, have another glass of wine until the planetary aspects are more favorable.

What I say is – give your attention to what makes-a-living and put more attention into what makes-life-worth living. I’ll always choose the undiscovered author over the drug tormented celebrity.

I’m currently half way through Letters from Home by Kristina McMorris and care more about these fictional characters than I do about the current “Charlie” in the news.

Next on my to-be-read list is Lady Wicked by Delle Jacobs and Relic Defender by Cassiel Knight.  Then there’s a new writer craft book… Story Engineering by Larry Brooks.

We are all stellar projects in process…

One thought on “projects in process

  1. It’s a sad state of affairs that the publishing world is set up in such a way that most authors can’t make a living at their craft. But marketing and economics shouldn’t be used to determine whether someone is a professional or not. It’s how you treat your craft that determines whether you’re a professional.


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