About Me

Terri Patrick PhotoI write contemporary romance novels with esoteric elements and my debut novel Whirlpool Wedding – A Romantic Adventure on the Columbia River is now available at Amazon. Sequels to Whirlpool Wedding are in process.

I also write nonfiction as Therese Patrick and have completed and published a memoir about my parents and childhood: CHERISH – a memoir of my parents incredible marriage

On a personal note – I’ve been called a force of nature, Mary Sunshine, an unusual person, totally Yin with no Yang, and this means I laugh lots, whine occasionally and am always trying to figure out “the meaning of life.”

My husband and I have four daughters, six grandchildren, and have packed up and moved our home, our family, our life… seven times. Together, we do “Road Trips” well and have done many over four decades – so far.

My professional life transitioned with each birth and move from a bookkeeper to office manager, tech writer and recently, business consultant.  There were a few years of working in home health care, geriatrics and hospice.  When my youngest daughter was in college, I returned as well and had a blast taking classes on Analytical Essays, Screenwriting, Speech, and Theater Appreciation.

I am a member of Rose City Romance Writers since 2003 and have served on the board as VP of Programs and Treasurer, and coordinated with running the Golden Rose Writer Contest.  I’m also a member of Romance Writers of America and Willamette Writers.

Writing and reading are a main focus in my life but I also enjoy cooking. My favorite outdoor activities are kayaking and cycling.  My family has brought country living, dogs, a horse, bunny, cats and mole-dirt-mountains into my daily life. I have flown in a variety of airplanes, ridden many types of motorcycles and operated power watercraft.

Favorite authors/stories include: The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R Tolkien; All Jane Austen “All the Time”; Mary Stewart’s romantic suspense novels, and all Harry Potter books and movies. I’ve been a library patron for decades and am a card-carrying member of numerous county libraries.

Life is an adventure, I’ve chosen to take that journey.

Contact email:   terri @ theresepatrick . com