The Business of Authors

Bask Raffle - red shoes
This was the “after lunch” Basket Raffle. Baskets were filled with books and other donated treats like wine, chocolates, and a Kobo Reader. And, check out Gina’s Awesome RED Shoes!

The Mini-Writer-Conference I co-coordinated with Terri Reed was a smashing success.  Here’s what attendee Linda Needham said about it:

Thanks for throwing such a fabulous conference (“mini” my eye!)  It was energizing, chock-a-block with great info and a schmooze fest!  I loved seeing old friends and meeting new as well!

ORS crop
The ladies from the Oregon Regency Society and their static display at the mini-conference. These ladies wear their dresses well and can talk for hours about the Tea Rituals, dancing, undergarments, and penmanship – of the Regency Era.
Book sale
Debbie Burke of Jan’s Paperbacks thought that buying a bookstore meant that she could spend her days reading books between sales. Instead she’s constantly exploring digital and global markets, and embracing innovation. She didn’t consider “retirement” could be so stimulating.

The mystique of a writer as being a tortured slave to their craft and muses is being debunked. Most novelists are out of their writer closets and have online personas that reveal these people are intelligent, creative, and professional grown-ups. They’re also savvy about their business of being authors, and know few readers will ever think about the writer behind the story, but will make a note to watch for another book by that author.

Fans are a different breed of reader and good novelists know their fans must be treated like royalty. The politics and personalities of “royalty” can be a challenge for the timid novelist. The whole framework of the book publishing industry during past decades was based on a huge gap (and gamble) between the connection of readers and authors. There’s still a big gap between non-fiction processes (and platforms!) and the dynamics of novel world, of which romancelandia is only an island. I’m personally fascinated with all the drama but recommend any readers of this post to pursue other passions like – scrapbooking; photography, board games, cooking, gardening, joy-of-life-affirming activities, and reading the occasional romance novel…

In romancelandia there’s a lot of readers and writers who are interested in clothing styles/fashion in a variety of time slots; tea, home-brewed poisons, the correct handling of murder weapons, the history of condoms (prior to latex), sexual positions, personality disorders, and the correct placement of a semicolon – to label a few recent and intense debates. Romancelandia is also rife with social media debates, blog tour requirements, and the full spectrum of potential magic buttons. I recommend all writers avoid romancelandia until they are ready to consider a majority of readers…

Somehow, this co-coordinating a mini-writer conference all happened at the same time as my novel and marketing book were released. The March 8th date on my calendar has overshadowed my attention for months. And then another grandbaby was due on 3/22/14.  After these big two events I’d get back to reading, writing, blogging….

We’ll see what future I create. My 4th grand-baby was born 11 days early, on 3/11/14.

I’ve read Kristina McMorris’s Pieces We Keep and Trish MacGregor’s Hidden Lake. Both are superb for craft and story.

5 thoughts on “The Business of Authors

    1. Expanding is the correct word. 😀
      There’s babies blooming everywhere, for months already. Through my network of family and friends it seems like there’s a new (or pending) baby announcement weekly.


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